Community Guidelines

Last Updated: 10 February 2024

Hi from Nook!

This Community Guidelines is designed to foster a positive and respectful environment within the Nook community.
As Users of Nook, including Roommates and Hosts, it is essential to obey these guidelines to ensure a harmonious and enjoyable experience for everyone. Nook reserves the right to take appropriate action, including content removal or account suspension, in cases of violations.

Respectful Communication and Inclusivity

Open Communication: Encourage open and respectful communication between Roommates and Hosts. Foster an environment where users feel comfortable expressing themselves.
Inclusivity: Embrace diversity in the Nook community. Be mindful of cultural differences and foster an inclusive environment where everyone feels welcome.Instead of making assumptions, ask open-ended questions to understand your Roommate's preferences and needs. Avoid language or behavior that may exclude or make others uncomfortable.

Accurate and Honest Representation

Truthful Descriptions: Provide accurate and honest information in profiles and listings. Clearly communicate the features, amenities, and conditions of the accommodation.
Avoid Deception: Do not use misleading or exaggerated content that could misrepresent the property or the Roommate. This includes using outdated photos or falsely advertising additional amenities.

If you're a Host, ensure that your listing photos are recent and accurately represent the current state of your accommodation. If you're a Roommate, be transparent about your expectations and preferences.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Respect Privacy: Do not share personal information, such as addresses or contact details, without consent. Respect the privacy of others.
Confidentiality: Avoid discussing sensitive or private information about yourself or others. Keep shared spaces and conversations respectful and considerate.Before sharing contact information, ask for permission. Avoid discussing personal matters in common areas without considering the comfort and privacy of other users.

Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Etiquette

Respect Copyright: Only share content for which you have the right. Do not use copyrighted material without proper authorization.
Technology Respect: Be mindful of technology use in shared spaces. Clearly communicate rules regarding shared devices, internet usage, and noise levels. Set designated quiet hours for shared spaces to ensure a harmonious living environment, especially in accommodations where multiple users coexist.

If you're a Roommate, respect your Host's property and devices. If you're a Host, provide clear guidelines on technology usage within your accommodation.

Nondiscriminatory and Cultural Sensitivity

Fair Treatment: In our community, we emphasize fair treatment, equal opportunities, and inclusivity. Treat everyone with respect, use language that includes everyone, and make decisions based on fairness and merit. For example, Hosts should choose Roommates based on compatibility, and Roommates should respect their Hosts, regardless of their background. We're committed to maintaining a nondiscriminatory environment—report any unfair behavior, as we enforce rules against discriminatory content.
Cultural Understanding: Celebrate diverse cultures by being open-minded, encouraging sharing, and addressing misunderstandings respectfully. If unsure about cultural practices, learn and appreciate diverse cultures. Embrace different backgrounds to foster a rich and inclusive community. For instance, Roommates can be open to trying new things suggested by their Hosts, and Hosts can share information about local cultural events. Use resources provided to promote awareness, creating a community that values and understands the richness of cultural diversity.

If you're a Roommate, be open to learning about your Host's culture. If you're a Host, consider providing information about local customs to help Roommates feel more comfortable.

Safety, Security, and Emergency Protocols

Maintain a Safe Environment: Be vigilant about safety in shared spaces. Report any safety hazards promptly to ensure a secure living environment. Familiarize yourself with emergency protocols, including evacuation procedures and contact information for local emergency services.
Children and Minors: Hosts should communicate guidelines regarding the presence of children or minors in accommodations. Ensure that common areas remain safe and child-friendly. Roommates with children should adhere to the Host's guidelines and take measures to ensure their children's safety within shared spaces.
Illegal and Prohibited Activities: Nook has a zero-tolerance policy for illegal or prohibited activities within accommodations. This includes but is not limited to drug use, vandalism, or any activities that violate local laws. Users are encouraged to report any illegal or prohibited activities to Nook promptly.
Preventing Human Trafficking: Stay vigilant and be aware of signs of human trafficking. Report any suspicious activity to local authorities. Nook may provide educational resources on recognizing and preventing human trafficking. Users are encouraged to engage with these resources.

Pets and Animals

Guidelines for Pets: Hosts should clearly communicate their pet policy. Specify whether pets are allowed, any restrictions, and expectations for responsible pet ownership. Roommates with pets must adhere to the Host's pet policy, ensuring that their pets are well-behaved, pose no threat to others, and do not violate any rules.
Open Communication: Roommates without pets should communicate any concerns or preferences regarding pets openly with Hosts. If you’re a Host and you allow pets, clearly outline your expectations for Roommates with pets. If you are a Roommate, and you bring pets, communicate openly about your pets' behavior, any specific needs, and ensure compliance with the Host's pet policy. Consider potential allergies or discomfort of other users.
Roommates Bringing Pets: Roommates intending to bring pets should seek prior consent from Hosts. Clearly communicate details such as pet type, size, and any special requirements. Roommates with pets are responsible for any damages caused by their pets and must ensure that their pets do not disturb others.
Pet-Friendly Spaces: Designate specific areas within accommodations as pet-friendly zones. Clearly communicate these areas to all users. Roommates with pets should maintain cleanliness in shared spaces, especially those frequented by others. Hosts may specify hygiene guidelines for pet owners.If you are a Host and you are open to Roommates bringing pets, specify the type and size of pets allowed, and discuss any expectations or guidelines.

If you are a Roommate, before bringing a pet, obtain clear consent from the Host and communicate any specific needs or considerations related to your pet. This ensures a harmonious living environment for all users, including those with and without pets.

Sustainable Practices

Energy Conservation: Encourage practices that conserve energy, such as turning off lights and electronic devices when not in use.
Waste Reduction: Promote reducing waste by recycling and using sustainable products within the accommodation.
Water Conservation: Raise awareness about responsible water usage. Consider implementing water-saving measures within shared spaces.
Educational Initiatives: Nook may provide educational resources on sustainable living practices. Users are encouraged to participate in eco-friendly initiatives.

Hosts can set guidelines for energy-efficient practices within the accommodation, and Roommates can actively participate by following these guidelines. A collective effort to reduce waste and conserve resources contributes to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious community.

Writing Relevant and Unbiased Reviews

Honest and Constructive Feedback: When leaving a review, ensure that the feedback accurately reflects the experience without exaggeration or omission of key details. If there are areas for improvement, provide constructive criticism rather than solely focusing on negative aspects.
Relevance to the Accommodation: Base your review on your experience with the accommodation and the interactions with your Host or Roommates. Keep the review focused on aspects directly related to the stay, such as cleanliness, communication, and adherence to house rules.
Inclusivity and Fairness: Acknowledge that different users may have diverse experiences based on individual preferences and needs. Refrain from using discriminatory language or making biased judgments in your reviews. Uphold the principles of inclusivity.

When leaving a review, a Roommate should focus on aspects such as the cleanliness of the accommodation, the accuracy of the listing, and the quality of communication with the Host. If a Host is leaving a review for Roommates, the focus should be on their contributions to the shared living experience, communication, and respect for communal spaces. Avoid irrelevant details and ensure that the feedback is both honest and constructive. Hosts should also encourage open communication for feedback and use reviews as a tool for continuous improvement.

Health and Safety Guidelines During COVID-19

Hygiene and Sanitation Practices: Hosts are encouraged to maintain high standards of cleanliness within shared spaces, with regular cleaning and sanitization. Roommates should actively participate in maintaining cleanliness and adhere to any hygiene guidelines set by the Host.
Social Distancing Measures: Hosts can implement measures to facilitate social distancing within common areas. Clearly communicate any adjustments to shared space usage. Roommates should openly communicate their comfort levels and concerns regarding social distancing. Respect each other's preferences to create a safe and comfortable living environment.
COVID-19 Reporting: If any User experiences COVID-19 symptoms or tests positive, they should report it immediately to Nook. We respect the privacy of users but may take necessary actions to ensure the safety and well-being of the community.
Travel and Quarantine Guidelines: Users planning travel should disclose their plans to the community, especially if it involves potential exposure to COVID-19. Hosts and Roommates must adhere to local quarantine protocols and guidelines.

Hosts should provide clear guidelines on hygiene practices, social distancing, and any specific measures implemented to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within shared spaces. Roommates are expected to actively participate and communicate openly about their health status or travel plans to ensure a safe and responsible living environment for all.

Community Feedback Loop

Feedback Channels: Utilize designated channels to provide feedback on features, policies, or community initiatives.
Active Participation: Actively participate in discussions and surveys to share experiences and contribute to the community's improvement.
Community Forums: Engage in community forums or discussions to share insights and ideas. Encourage a positive and collaborative atmosphere.
Community Events: Participate in community events or initiatives that promote a sense of belonging.

Hosts and Roommates are encouraged to share their experiences and suggestions through feedback channels. Actively participating in community discussions fosters a sense of belonging and helps shape the Nook community for the better.

Legal Dispute Resolution

Follow Legal Processes: Resolve disputes following the legal processes outlined in Nook's Terms. Familiarize yourself with arbitration or mediation procedures.
Resolution Attempts:
Attempt to resolve disputes through open and honest communication before escalating to legal processes. Seek amicable solutions where possible.

In the event of a dispute over property damage or other issues, Hosts and Roommates should first communicate openly to find a resolution. If necessary, follow the legal processes outlined in Nook's Terms for fair and impartial resolution.

Respect Local Customs

Cultural Sensitivity: Integrate respectfully with the local community. Avoid actions that may disturb or disrespect local customs and traditions.
Community Engagement: Engage with local businesses and community activities to contribute positively.
Support Local Businesses: Hosts can provide information about local businesses or services that Roommates may find useful.
Cultural Experiences: Encourage Roommates to explore and appreciate local customs and traditions.

Hosts can share information about local businesses, cultural events, or places of interest. Roommates are encouraged to respect and engage with the local community, fostering positive relationships and cultural understanding.

Modifications to This Community Guidelines


We may update this Community Guidelines periodically. We will notify you of any material changes by posting the updated guidelines on Nook or through other communication channels and update the “Last Updated” date at the top of this page. If you disagree with the revised Community Guidelines, you can cancel your Account. If you do not cancel your Account before the date the revised Community Guidelines becomes effective, your continued access to or use of the Application  will be subject to the revised Community Guidelines.

Effective Dates

The effective date of the most recent version of the Community Guidelines will be displayed at the top of the page at the “Last Updated” section.


Terms not defined in this Community Guidelines carry the same meaning as those outlined in our Terms of Use ("Terms").

Thank you for trusting Nook and joining us in this vibrant community. If you have any questions or concerns about this Community Guidelines, please contact us at [].